Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Past Forms Crossword

Hello, students!
My post comes back. This post will talk about past forms of verbs. Let’s start the learning time!

As we have studied, there are three types of verbs in English related to different times (present or past). They’re present & infinitive form, past form, and past participle form. Most Indonesian people call them as “Verb 1 (for present & infinitive form), Verb 2 (for past form), and Verb 3 (for past participle form).

Senin, 26 November 2012

Exercise for UAS

Dear students,
The school will hold mid-term test from 1721 October, 2011. Please prepare yourself by studying hard. Thank you.

The text above is for the questions number 1-5.
1.      The announcement about is about ....
2.      The target of the announcement is ....
3.      The mid-terms test will be held for ... days.
4.      You can see the announcement at/in ....
5.      The writer of the announcement is ....

6.      Your friend is noisy. The appropriate prohibition for her/him is ....
7.     It is dark in your classroom. Then you give a command for your friend. The appropriate command for her/him is ....
8.      Read the text carefully. Fill in the blanks with the correct to be (am, is, or are)!
Hi, I ...... Agam. I am 12 years old. I study at Islamia Islamic Junior High School. I have a friend. His name is Putra. He ..... also 12 years old. We ...... classmates.


9.      The notice above means that we should ....

Complete with the correct adverb of frequency.
10.  Fincha is a diligent student. She is ... studies hard.

11.  Write three sentences based on the picture above! (use the correct prepositions of place).

12.  Write the plural forms of these words:
a. candy                         c. library                       e. dish
b. potato                        d. box                           f. tooth

13.  Write sentences based on the clue : play tennis/usually/on Sunday

14.  Write the pronoun for these subjects:
a. Hafshah and Mala = they    
b. Dimas Alfaridzi  = ...
c. My brother and I = ...
d. Mrs. Susi = ...

15.  Complete these sentences with the correct possessive adjectives! (my, your, his, her, their, our, its) 
a. Amalia has a new novel. ... novel is interesting. 
b. Puput and her brother are in ... house now.

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Downloading English Text Books

Dear students,
In this technology era, you can study more easily with the internet access. Now you can download any learning media from the internet, such as e-book, audio material for listening, videos to help you learn about conversation, and many more.

One of the learning media that you can download freely from internet is the free textbook (e-book) which is usually called BSE (Buku Sekolah Elektronik). You can download it free! Yeah, you can use it to help you learning any subject, especially the subject in which the book use English.

Here are some links you can visit to download BSE for English subject. Make sure that you use this chance to get more knowledge using the media around you (i.e. your notebook and the internet access). As the last words, I'd say happy downloading! ^^

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Islamia Student Activities


It's already been two months since the first day of school activities. Yup, Islamia students have joined several activities conducted by the school. They're the MOPD (Masa Orientasi Peserta Didik) and Sanlat & Iftor Jama'i. Some weeks later, they're gonna join another program named LDKS, Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Siswa, a leadership training for all students as a preparation stage for the OSIS members and staffs.

Well, here I'll post some photos showing the Islamia student activities. Hope they can inspire you. Enjoy them! ^_^

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Holiday Assignment

Dear students, the Eid El Fitr will be coming soon. We all will have a long holiday.
How do you feel? Of course we are gonna be happy, right!? :)

During your holiday, don't forget to keep studying the English and other subjects at home... Here I will post your holiday assignment to accompany you during your nice long holiday.

Please do the instructions below:
1. Read and copy the questions below into the Microsoft Word or into your email.
2. Type your answers and write your name and class.
3. Send your answers of the questions to my email: nursetyorini.dessy@gmail.com
4. Send it to my email before we come to school after the holiday.
5. If you can't send an email, please write the questions on your book and write the answers.

Ok students.. Here are the questions. If you have any questions about the assignment, you can ask me. Good luck! ^_^

Holiday Assignment

A. Complete the following dialogues with suitable expressions!

1. A : Hello, Lia. How are you doing?
    B : _______________________.

2. X : _______________________.
    Y : My name's Puput.

3. A : Nice to meet you, Ms. Salma.
    B : _______________________.

4. X : See you tomorrow, students!
    Y : _______________________.

5. A : Dita, I want to introduce you to my sister, Upi.
    B : ________, Upi. Pleased to meet you.
    C : Hello, Dita. Pleased to meet you, too.

B. Do the instructions below!

Complete the sentences below with to be (am, is or are).

I ___ a grade VII student. I have many new friends. My new friends ___ Amalia, Dicta, and Jihan. They ___ very kind and smart.

Complete the sentences below with possessive adjectives (my, your, their, our, his, her, or its).

We are in class VII B now. ___ home-teacher is Ms. Roni. She is smart, kind, and friendly. She loves ___ students.
C. Translate these sentences into English! (Please don't use the Google translation, try to do it by yourself).

1. Mereka adalah Siti, Zahra, and Imah.
2. Dia (laki-laki) adalah seorang polisi.
3. Saya tidak senang.
4. Ayah saya sangat pandai.
5. Mobil kami berwarna ungu.

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

I have a new car

This post will not tell you about my new car. Haha, yap it is because I don't have my own car. In fact, this post will tell you about a strategic way to make a sentence in English. This will help you to arrange simple sentences as well as paragraphs. Thus, this will also help you to understand the descriptive or procedure texts that you will learn later. Well, are you ready, students??! Let's get started!

The first thing you need to know is the sentence pattern in English. Ya, pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris sama dengan bahasa Indonesia, termasuk penempatan keterangan yang bisa diletakkan di depan maupun di belakang. Penempatan bagian kalimat menandakan bahwa bagian itu yang lebih ditekankan.

Sentence Pattern (Pola Kalimat)

1. subject + verb + object + adverb

For example : 
a. We learn English every Tuesday and Thursday.
     s      v       obj              adverb (of time)

b. I buy a dictionary in a book store.
    s   v          obj      adverb (of place)

2. adverb + subject + verb + object

For example :
a. Every Tuesday and Thursday we learn English.
             adverb (of time)          s     v       obj

b. In a book store I buy a dictionary.
    adverb            s   v       obj      

The pattern is simple, isn't it? Now, let's move on. Let's try to translate simple sentences into English.

1. Saya menyukai kucing saya.
       I         love     my cat.
2. Saya mempunyai sebuah mobil baru.
       I        have           a       new car.
3. Mereka bermain bersama seekor sapi di halaman sekolah.
      They       play      with        a      cow   in the school yard.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

a naughty cat

Students, before we learn more about descriptive text, please have a look at my explanation below about noun phrases. Check it out!

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

IPS Summary

1.      Gambaran permukaan bumi dimuat dalam 3 sumber, yakni:
  1. Peta : gambaran muka bumi dan penampakannya pada bidang datar.
  2. atlas : kumpulan peta yang dijilid menjadi satu buku
  3. globe : model tiruan bola bumi
2.      Komponen peta adalah :
  1. judul peta : memuat tema dan daerah yang digambarkan
  2. skala peta : angka perbandingan jarak pada peta dengan jarak sebenarnya
  3. simbol peta : tanda pada peta untuk mewakili keadaan objek sesungguhnya
  4. legenda : kolom keterangan mengenai simbol-simbol dalam peta
  5. petunjuk arah (orientasi) : secara umum, arah atas pada peta menunjuk arah utara
  6. garis astronomis : garis yang menunjukkan koordinat garis lintang dan bujur
  7. garis tepi peta
  8. inset : peta kecil yang disisipkan pada peta utama
  9. lettering
  10. sumber pet
  11. tahun pembuatan peta
3.      Informasi yang dapat diperoleh dari:
  1. peta :
-          lokasi/letak suatu wilayah dan penampakan alam di muka bumi
-          luas & bentuk penampakan permukaan bumi
-          ketinggian tempat
-          jarak dan arah berbagai tempat
-          persebaran penduduk
  1. atlas :
-          letak geografis & astronomis suatu tempat
-          keadaan fisik suatu wilayah
-          keadaan sosial suatu tempat: jumlah, kepadatan, dan persebaran penduduk
  1. globe :
-          perbedaan iklim berdasarkan garis lintangnya
-          perbedaan waktu berdasarkan garis bujur

4.      Skala
adalah perbandingan jarak pada peta dengan jarak sesungguhnya di lapangan.
macam-macam skala:
  1. skala angka, contoh 1:200.000            0       4       8       12    16    km
  2. skala garis atau grafik, contoh
0      1        2        3      4     cm
Mencari jarak pada peta:
skala = jarak pada peta
            jarak sebenarnya

5.      Kondisi geografis & Penduduk Indonesia
Bisa dibaca di sini.

6.      Atmosfer
Atmosfer adalah lapisan udara yang menyelimuti bumi.
Atmosfer terdiri dari lapisan-lapisan:
  1. Troposfer: pada lapisan ini terjadi peristiwa cuaca seperti angin, awan, hujan, dan petir.
  2. Stratosfer: pada lapisan ini terdapat lapisan ozon (O3) yang melindungi bumi dari sinar ultraviolet.
  3. Mesosfer: pada lapisan ini, meteor dan benda-benda angkasa yang akan jatuh ke permukaan bumi terbakar.
  4. Thermosfer: suhu di lapisan ini sangat tinggi. Pada lapisan ini gelombang radio diserap dan dipantulkan.
  5. Eksosfer: merupakan lapisan terluar yang langsung berhubungan dengan angkasa luar.
7.      Gejala-gejala di atmosfer:
  1. Cuaca: keadaan udara yang mencakup wilayah yang relatif sempit dalam jangka waktu yang relatif singkat.
  2. Iklim: kaedaan udara pada daerah yang luas dan dalam waktu yang lama.
  3. Unsur-unsur cuaca & iklim:
-          Radiasi matahari
-          Temperatur udara
-          Tekanan udara
-          Angin
-          Kelembapan udara
-          Curah hujan
  1. Iklim matahari:
-          iklim tropis : 23 ½0 LU – 23 ½0 LS
-          iklim subtropis : 23 ½0 LU – 400 LU dan 23 ½0 LS – 400 LS
-          iklim sedang : 400 LU – 66 ½0 LU dan 400 LS – 66 ½0 LS
-          iklim kutub/dingin : 66 ½0 LU – 900 LU dan 66 ½0 LS – 900 LS
  1. Tipe-tipe hujan (bisa dibaca di sini)
-          hujan orografis
-          hujan zenithal
-          hujan frontal
  1. Macam-macam Angin
-          angin laut & darat
-          angin gunung & lembah
-          angin fohn

8.      Hidrosfer
Hidrosfer adalah lapisan air yang menyelimuti sebagian besar wilayah permukaan bumi.
Siklus hidrologi: penguapan (evaporasi) – uap air naik menjadi awan – pengembunan (kondensasi) – turun hujan – air diserap tanah & kembali ke laut. (bisa juga lihat videonya di sini)

9.      Air Permukaan & Air Tanah
  1. Air permukaan
-          Sungai
Jenis-jenis sungai:
  • berdasarkan sumber airnya : sungai hujan, sungai gletser, sungai campuran
  • berdasarkan sifat debit/volume airnya : sungai permanen (tetap), sungai periodik, sungai episodik
  • berdasarkan arah aliran air sungai: sungai konsekuen, sungai subsekuen, sungai obsekuen, sungai resekuen.
-          Danau
-          Rawa
  1. Air tanah
-          Air tanah bebas
-          Air tanah tertekan
  1. Laut menurut kedalamannya
-          Zona litoral : di pantai antara air laut pasang naik dan pasang surut
-          Zona neritik : laut dangkal sampai kedalaman 200 meter
-          Zona batial : kedalaman 200 – 2000 meter
-          Zona abisal : kedalaman lebih dari 2000 meter
  1. Wilayah Laut Indonesia
-          Landas Kontinen: garis dasar pantai – kedalaman 200 meter
-          Laut teritorial: batas laut yang diukur sejauh 12 mil dari garis dasar pantai ke arah lautan bebas
           -      ZEE (Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif): wilayah laut sejauh 200 mil dari garis dasar ke arah laut bebas.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

The Summary . . .

Students, in order to ease you to study for the mid test, I give you a brief summary of the English subject material. Through this summary, I hope you are able to study and understand well. Good Luck!

Family Members
  • Husband
  • Wife
  • Grandmother
  • Grandfather
  • Mother
  • Father
  • Daughter
  • Son
  • Sister
  • Brother
  • Uncle
  • Aunt
  • Cousin
  • Nephew (male)
  • Niece (female)

Possessive with Apostrophe (‘) s 

Apostrophe can be used to show possessions (kepunyaan).

For example:
  • Ali’s wife                    : istri Ali
  • Umar’s brother            : saudara laki-laki Umar
  • My father’s daughter  : anak perempuan Ayah saya
  • Umi’s uncle                 : paman Umi
  • Khalid’s grandfather   : kakek Khalid


Here are some kinds of jobs, the responsibilities, and the workplaces:

1.   a teacher
at school
teaches students
2.   a doctor
in the hospital
treats patients
3.   a postman
in the post office
delivers letters
4.   a policeman
in the police office /
police station
solves crimes
5.   a secretary
in the office
types letters
6.   a civil servant
in the government office
serves people
7.   a farmer
in the field
grows rice
8.   a singer
in the TV station
entertains peopla
9.   a waiter / a waitress
at a restaurant
serves food and drink
10.  a steward /
a stewardess
at a plane
serves passengers

Units of Measurement

Units of measurement can be used to show the quantities of uncountable things. Here are some examples of units of measurement:
  • a kilo of sugar                                                 : sekilo ...
  • a bar of soap, a bar of chocolate                     : sebatang ...
  • a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of milk                : sebotol
  • a can of cola, a can of milk                              : sekaleng
  • a loaf of bread                                                 : sebalok roti
  • a pack of coffee, a pack of noodle                   : sebungkus/sepak
  • a carton of noodle, a carton of snack                : sekardus
  • a tube of toothpaste                                         : (bentuk seperti tabung/pipa)
  • a bowl of porridge                                           : semangkuk
  • a plate of rice                                                   : sepiring
  • a glass of juice                                                  : segelas
  • a cup of tea                                                      : secangkir
  • a jar of cookies, a jar of candies                       : setoples
  • a slice of cake                                                  : seiris
  • a piece of paper                                              : sepotong/sehelai
  • a pair of shoes, a pair of glasses                       : sepasang
  • a litre of cooking oil                                         : seliter

Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs 
  • Nouns (kata benda)
For example : a bag, a glass, a school, a classroom, a doctor, a farmer, a ruler, a car, etc. 
  • Adjectives (kata sifat)
Function : to modify/describe nouns/pronouns (untuk menjelaskan atau memberi atribut pada kata benda atau kata ganti).
For example : beautiful, cheap, expensive, short, long, small, new, old, red, white, Indonesian, Malaysian, wool, cloth, leather, empty, clean, dirty, round, rectangular, sharp, etc.  
  • Verbs (kata kerja)
For example : have/has, am/is/are, buy, do, go, use, give, get, make, etc.

Noun Phrases (frasa benda)

Noun phrase is a combination of noun(s) and adjective(s).

The pattern is : adjective + noun

For example : a new dictionary, two sharp pencils, a box of long ruler, etc.

Descriptive Text

Descriptive text functions to describe a thing, a place or a person. It has two main parts:
  • Identification  : identifies a thing, place, or person that is described.
  • Description(s)  : describe(s) the parts, qualities or characteristics.
 For example :
My Bag
This is my bag. It is made of leather. It is a big, strong and pretty bag. It has a long strap and four pockets. Its color is brown.

The structures of the text:
  • Title                 : My Bag
  • Identification    : This is my bag.
  • Descriptions    : It is made of leather. It is a big, strong and pretty bag. It has a long strap and four pockets. Its color is brown.

Writing a descriptive text

In a descriptive text, we can describe a thing by writing its color, material, characteristics, and many others. The following is an example of a descriptive text based on a particular picture.

My Bicycle

This is my new bicycle. It is a strong bicycle. It color is blue and black. It is expensive. My parents gave it to me yesterday. I like my new bicycle very much.