Sabtu, 07 April 2012

I have a new car

This post will not tell you about my new car. Haha, yap it is because I don't have my own car. In fact, this post will tell you about a strategic way to make a sentence in English. This will help you to arrange simple sentences as well as paragraphs. Thus, this will also help you to understand the descriptive or procedure texts that you will learn later. Well, are you ready, students??! Let's get started!

The first thing you need to know is the sentence pattern in English. Ya, pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris sama dengan bahasa Indonesia, termasuk penempatan keterangan yang bisa diletakkan di depan maupun di belakang. Penempatan bagian kalimat menandakan bahwa bagian itu yang lebih ditekankan.

Sentence Pattern (Pola Kalimat)

1. subject + verb + object + adverb

For example : 
a. We learn English every Tuesday and Thursday.
     s      v       obj              adverb (of time)

b. I buy a dictionary in a book store.
    s   v          obj      adverb (of place)

2. adverb + subject + verb + object

For example :
a. Every Tuesday and Thursday we learn English.
             adverb (of time)          s     v       obj

b. In a book store I buy a dictionary.
    adverb            s   v       obj      

The pattern is simple, isn't it? Now, let's move on. Let's try to translate simple sentences into English.

1. Saya menyukai kucing saya.
       I         love     my cat.
2. Saya mempunyai sebuah mobil baru.
       I        have           a       new car.
3. Mereka bermain bersama seekor sapi di halaman sekolah.
      They       play      with        a      cow   in the school yard.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

a naughty cat

Students, before we learn more about descriptive text, please have a look at my explanation below about noun phrases. Check it out!