Senin, 15 Februari 2021

Hero, My Pet

Bismillah, Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Good morning, students!

Are you feeling good today? ☺ I really hope so.

Let's start our lesson today by reading basmalah,

Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim ❤️

Dear students, do you have any favourite animals? What is that? 
A hamster? A bird? An iguana? Or a fish?

Do you have a pet at home? What is your pet?

As now we move to Chapter 9 (look at your English textbook), we will learn descriptive texts about favourite animals/pets. So here are our activities today.

Activity 1

Before you read a descriptive text about favourite animals/pets, you need to know some features or body parts of animal. Kita kenalan dulu yaa sama ciri-ciri/bagian-bagian tubuh dari binatang berikut ini.

So please watch this very short video and listen carefully.

Do you know all the meanings of all words in the video?

Kalian sudah tau belum nih terjemahan kata-kata dalam video di atas? Perhatikan gambarnya baik-baik yaa, maka kalian pasti bisa menebak arti kata-kata tersebut dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Or you can open your dictionary and look up the meanings there.
Atau kalau sudah mentok dan belum tau artinya, silakan ceki-ceki di kamus kalian yaa.

After you know some features or body parts of animals, let's continue to the next activity.

Activity 2

Read the text entitled "Hero, My Pet" on your English textbook page 123 Activity 3.

Find the meanings of vocabularies in your dictionary or you can ask to your teacher.

Then please answer the questions. For questions number 8 to 10, please change into these:

No. 8. How big is the pet?

No. 9. What does Hero like to eat?

No. 10. Why does Hero look like a little dragon?

Write your answers on your textbook, and discuss them with your friends and teacher.

Well students, the text "Hero, My Pet" is called a descriptive text.

Nak anakkku, teks yang kalian baca tadi adalah contoh Teks Deskriptif.

This text can describe a specific place, animal, thing, or a person.

Teks ini mendeskripsikan tempat, hewan, benda, atau orang tertentu. Jadi hanya ada 1 subjek yang dideskripsikan di dalam teks nya.

In the text "Hero, My Pet", the writer describes the characteristics of his pet (an iguana named Hero).

Pada teks tentang Hero, disitu penulis mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri hewan peliharaannya, yakni seekor iguana yang diberi nama Hero. Naahh, teks nya tidak bercerita tentang iguana-iguana lainnya kan, tapi hanya fokus mendeskripsikan 1 iguana saja yakni yang diberi nama Hero tadi.

The descriptions about Hero include his physical appearance (colour, length, weight), his food, and his ability.

Deskripsi tentang Hero pada teks yang kalian baca meliputi penampilan fisiknya (dari warna kulit, panjang badan sampai berat badannya), lalu ada deskripsi tentang makanannya dan juga kemampuannya.

So far, can you understand the explanation above? 

I do hope that you understand it well. Sudah ada terjemahannya kan, semoga penjelasan Miss di atas dapat kalian pahami dengan baik yaa, Aamiin.

Alright, that's all our learning material for this meeting, Nak. Please remember all the vocabularies that we discuss in this meeting, ya. If there's question about the material, just send it in the comment below.

Thanks a lot for your attention & attendance in this meeting, students!

Let's say Hamdalah to end our lesson today.

Alhamdulillaahirabbil 'alamiin.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ❤️

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